In the secluded village of Yaupe, nestled on the outskirts of Bwari, Abuja, a remarkable transformation of hope and progress unfolded. The U-Save Foundation, a beacon of empowerment and positive impact, unveiled a groundbreaking project on December 5th, 2023: a solar-powered borehole featuring 12 taps.
Tag: Transforming Lives
Transforming Communities: World Toilet Day Outreach at Mountain Village
World Toilet Day is more important than you might think. It’s not just about the toilets; it’s about dignity, health, and transforming communities.
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: U-Save Foundation and AYGF Team Up for Hand Hygiene at GDSS, Bwari
In a heartwarming celebration of unity and global consciousness, U-Save Foundation and the African Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF) recently joined… Continue reading Clean Hands, Bright Futures: U-Save Foundation and AYGF Team Up for Hand Hygiene at GDSS, Bwari
U-Save Foundation Sensitises Government Day Secondary School Students on Menstrual Hygiene
Just imagine boys and girls being asked about periods and they struggled to provide a definition. Well, this is where U-SAVE saves the day. The U-Save Foundation team, explained what menstruation is and the menstrual cycle in the most comprehensive manner. This interaction allowed facilitators to provide clarity on menstruation and the menstrual cycle, marking a vital first step in breaking the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this natural process.
Open Defecation Free Project At Niger State College of Education, Minna
At the College of Education in Minna, Nigeria, the lack of improved sanitary facilities and poor access to water had… Continue reading Open Defecation Free Project At Niger State College of Education, Minna